Miriam Sheril

Five Months in, FedNow Is ‘Doing What It Was Planned to Do’
Five Months in, FedNow Is ‘Doing What It Was Planned to Do’
December 01, 2023  |  Faster Payments

Five months since the FedNow® Service launched, Miriam Sheril, head of product, U.S. at Form3, told PYMNTS, there are some encouraging signs. Although it is...

Back-Office Overhaul Critical to Survival in Faster Payments Landscape, Says Form3
Back-Office Overhaul Critical to Survival in Faster Payments Landscape, Says Form3
August 08, 2023  |  Payment Methods

Just a few weeks after launch, FedNow is live. Miriam Sheril, Head of Product, U.S. at Form3, said that the initial interest and embrace by banks just a...

Payments Platform Form3 Wins FedNow Certification
Payments Platform Form3 Wins FedNow Certification
July 27, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

Account-to-account payment platform Form3 says it is ready for FedNow. The company on Thursday (July 27) announced it was among the first in its industry to finish testing and...

FedNow’s Success Hinges on Getting Enough Banks to Connect — and Use It
FedNow’s Success Hinges on Getting Enough Banks to Connect — and Use It
June 28, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

As the world becomes increasingly digital, the idea of instant gratification has become the norm. From streaming movies to ordering groceries, consumers expect everything to...