With so many consumers converting from in-person transactions to online channels throughout 2020, new opportunities arose for fraudsters to take advantage of the evolving conditions....
To take on the challenges of accounts payable (AP) invoice automation and the insurance submission intake, Kanverse has deployed a product that uses several technologies:...
Everyone has a story of their subscription service going wrong. The Ziploc bag collection that ran out of control that has taken over the basement....
Gone are the days when people went to grocery stores to buy food to eat at home, they went to restaurants to eat a cooked...
It is a widely held belief that open banking is an EU-based concept, driven by data privacy regulations like PSD2. And the U.S., the conventional...
There’s simply no longer the time or bandwidth for manual accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR). Since there’s no way back, the payments industry...
“Buy a car entirely online, and have it safely delivered, contact-free.” So goes the pitch at online car-buying platform Vroom, which is turning to artificial...
Kount, which works in digital fraud protection and identity trust, announced today (Dec. 1) that it is working with data cloud provider Snowflake to provide...
The pandemic has pushed us to do all things digitally while opening up new vectors of attack. Those new avenues of fraud have leveraged hallmarks...