
Flexibility and Choice Move B2B Payments From Monolithic to Modernized
Flexibility and Choice Move B2B Payments From Monolithic to Modernized
May 24, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Life is a matter of choices, and so, too, is business. That’s why, when it comes to B2B payments, accepting (and offering) more options can...

Overcoming Institutional Inertia Among CFO’s Biggest Challenges
Overcoming Institutional Inertia Among CFO’s Biggest Challenges
May 23, 2023  |  CFO

Today’s new macroenvironment has brought with it new responsibilities for finance leaders. Still, no matter the landscape, one of the principal roles of the chief...

Data Markets Take Guesswork Out of Credit Decisions
Data Markets Take Guesswork Out of Credit Decisions
May 17, 2023  |  B2B Payments

In today’s challenging macroclimate, many companies are losing resources.  Fortunately, new digital tools and modern lending and financing solutions can help those firms to close...

Modernizing Healthcare Procurement Can Be a Matter of Life and Death
Modernizing Healthcare Procurement Can Be a Matter of Life and Death
March 15, 2023  |  Healthcare

The pandemic kick-started a wave of short-term procurement solutions across industries as businesses struggled to stay afloat. For medical centers and other healthcare-related businesses, lockdowns...

Why It’s Time to Sink the Sunk Cost Theory of Legacy Payments Infrastructure
Why It’s Time to Sink the Sunk Cost Theory of Legacy Payments Infrastructure
March 07, 2023  |  Innovation

Bringing enterprise IT departments to the modern age to combat legacy systems from dragging an enterprise is vital to an organization’s survival. While other departments...

VC’s Next Great Opportunity Lies in ‘Great Unbundling’ of B2B Payments
VC’s Next Great Opportunity Lies in ‘Great Unbundling’ of B2B Payments
October 19, 2022  |  B2B Payments

“FinTech, as an investment category, has been incredibly exciting because of the size of the industry — and the size of the opportunity,” Alex Niehenke,...

Technisys Adds New Tools to Help Banks Speed Digital Transformation
Technisys Adds New Tools to Help Banks Speed Digital Transformation
August 10, 2022  |  Digital Banking

Saying financial institutions (FIs) need to future-proof their businesses, digital and core banking platform Technisys has announced the latest release of its solution that helps...

NEW REPORT: SMBs Balance Buyer and Supplier Needs With Payments Platforms
NEW REPORT: SMBs Balance Buyer and Supplier Needs With Payments Platforms
June 08, 2022  |  Accounts Payable

Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous obstacles to sustainable business growth, not the least of which is managing payments. For many growing buyers and...