Nibble Health

Today in B2B: Invoicing, Supplier Portals Lead to Smoother Payments; Digital Processes Reduce Fraud
Today in B2B: Invoicing, Supplier Portals Lead to Smoother Payments; Digital Processes Reduce Fraud
July 05, 2022  |  B2B Payments

Today in B2B payments, cross-border payments streamline eCommerce opportunities in China, while qiibee expands its blockchain-based B2B rewards marketplace. Plus, Tesorio raises $17 million amid...

Employer-Backed BNPL Plan Spreads Out Healthcare Payments and Pain
Employer-Backed BNPL Plan Spreads Out Healthcare Payments and Pain
July 05, 2022  |  Healthcare Financing

When a family member received a medical bill for $8,000 — despite having medical insurance — Steven Greene, who is now co-founder and CEO at...

Today in B2B: Carsome Won’t Go Public This Year; Nibble Health’s Seed Round Brings in $8.5M
Today in B2B: Carsome Won’t Go Public This Year; Nibble Health’s Seed Round Brings in...
June 21, 2022  |  B2B Payments

Today in B2B payments, virtual cards are becoming a more popular form of B2B payment, while auto parts buyers and sellers are more connected thanks...

Nibble Health Raises $8.5M in B2B Healthcare Payments Seed Round
Nibble Health Raises $8.5M in B2B Healthcare Payments Seed Round
June 21, 2022  |  Investments

B2B healthcare payments platform Nibble Health has finalized an $8.5 million seed funding round that will help to streamline the healthcare payments process with the...