payment innovation

Today In Data: What The Start Of The ‘Smart’ World Means
Today In Data: What The Start Of The ‘Smart’ World Means
November 09, 2018  |  Today In Data

There is no shortage of things in the world claiming to be “smart,” though what that actually means varies in context. It might mean connecting...

Today In Data: The Rapid Growth Of Real-Time Payments
Today In Data: The Rapid Growth Of Real-Time Payments
November 07, 2018  |  Today In Data

New technologies are enabling consumers and business to experience faster payments than ever before: While only 25 real-time payment systems were operational worldwide last year, 40 such...

7-Eleven Rolls Out Scan-And-Go For Dallas Customers
7-Eleven Rolls Out Scan-And-Go For Dallas Customers
November 05, 2018  |  Payment Methods

Convenience store operator 7-Eleven is rolling out scan-and-go options for customers in 14 stores in Dallas later this week, with an aim to equip all of...

Cashierless Stores Take Seattle Grocery Cues To Asia
Cashierless Stores Take Seattle Grocery Cues To Asia
November 01, 2018  |  Retail

Thousands of miles from Seattle, where Amazon Go opened in January, the cashierless checkout model is taking hold in other parts of the world. Singapore,...

Happy Birthday To PYMNTS
Happy Birthday To PYMNTS
October 20, 2018  |  Commerce

On this day in history in the year 2009, the world of payments and commerce was changed forever. The skies parted, the Earth shook and...

Want To Win With Payment Terminals? Get Intimate.
Want To Win With Payment Terminals? Get Intimate.
October 19, 2018  |  POS Innovation

In a sense, the ongoing battle for point-of-sale supremacy involves intimacy. Yes, intimacy. Maybe a diner prefers to have the waiter bring the payment terminal...

WePay’s Aberman: It’s Time For POS Dinosaurs To Die Out
WePay’s Aberman: It’s Time For POS Dinosaurs To Die Out
August 08, 2018  |  Retail

When it comes to the topic of future proofing, WePay Co-founder Rich Aberman told Karen Webster for this week’s edition of Unscripted Podcast, one should...

Today In Data: Same Day ACH
Today In Data: Same Day ACH
September 15, 2017  |  Today In Data

In a recent interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Jane Larimer, chief operating officer at NACHA, said the financial services industry has done much preparation in terms...

Today in Data: Financial Earnings Download
Today in Data: Financial Earnings Download
August 09, 2017  |  Today In Data

Money helps move the world around as the core piece that ties all financial transactions together. Whether it’s physical cash, digital currency or cryptocurrency, there...