With the advent of smartphones, consumers have embraced the convenience of shopping from the palm of their hand, resulting in a significant transformation in their...
Amazon is set to stop taking payments via PayPal-owned Venmo in the coming weeks. “Due to recent changes, Venmo can no longer be added as a payment method,” Venmo said...
Citi has invested in payments technology company Icon Solutions as it modernizes its payments platform. The investment, made via Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions, comes as Citi also plans...
Wei Jiang, co-founder, president and COO at Citcon, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that the travel rebound is a long-standing trend — and one that...
Anyone operating in the payments space already knows about artificial intelligence (AI). After all, the technology, along with its first cousin, machine learning (ML), together...
Pluto, a provider of financial corporate spend management solutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has partnered with Mastercard to provide B2B payment solutions in the Gulf...
For retailers, the benefits of subscription models lie in building brand loyalty, as recurring purchases can lead to predictable top-line growth. To that end, and...
Clara, a Latin American FinTech company, has launched a payment account in Brazil. The new payment account offering complements Clara’s existing range of products, which...
Payments services firm Worldline has gotten approval to expand its presence in Great Britain. The company announced Tuesday (Nov. 28) that it had gotten a payment institution authorization...