
PYMNTS Podcasts, we interview a lot of interesting people and companies please see some of featured interviews below.

Why FinTechs Should Never Stop Climbing the ‘Profit Hill’
Why FinTechs Should Never Stop Climbing the ‘Profit Hill’
July 26, 2023  |  Startups

We’re a long way from the halcyon days of FinTech funding just a few years ago. Sezzle CEO Charlie Youakim and Vera Equity Co-founder Jon...

Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
July 17, 2023  |  Credit Unions

As inflation remains stubbornly in place and credit gets ever more expensive, credit unions may have a secret weapon. Scott Young, managing VP of Emerging...

Index Ventures’ Fiorentino Says FinTechs Need ‘Thrive but Survive’ Mindset to Ease Path to Profitability
Index Ventures’ Fiorentino Says FinTechs Need ‘Thrive but Survive’ Mindset to Ease Path to Profitability
July 13, 2023  |  Startups

Following a years-long venture capital (VC) bull market that saw FinTech startups raise billions of dollars in funding, the challenging macroeconomic market has led to...

Why Old Accounts Receivable Systems Cost Firms New Business
Why Old Accounts Receivable Systems Cost Firms New Business
June 30, 2023  |  B2B Payments

There’s a reason that business processes get the “consumer” treatment, not the other way around. And it isn’t just because the cart can’t drive the...

FinTechs’ Latest Profitability Challenge Is Finding Business Models Beyond Interchange
FinTechs’ Latest Profitability Challenge Is Finding Business Models Beyond Interchange
May 12, 2023  |  Digital Banking

FinTechs are facing an existential crisis now that the age of easy access to capital is over. Investors — running the gamut from private venture...

Credit Unions That Match Payments With Personalization Win Digital Wallet Share
Credit Unions That Match Payments With Personalization Win Digital Wallet Share
March 01, 2023  |  Credit Unions

Digital wallets are helping to create a faster, more expedited checkout for consumers. As financial institutions (FIs) and tech companies battle for market share and...

Sezzle CEO: FinTech Path to Profitability Starts With Being Your Own Worst Critic
Sezzle CEO: FinTech Path to Profitability Starts With Being Your Own Worst Critic
February 01, 2023  |  Fintech Investments

If Sezzle CEO Charlie Youakim had to write a book about the FinTech bubble that burst in 2022, he’d call it “Crazy Money.” That nugget...

Raising the Bar for Passwordless, Frictionless Commerce
Raising the Bar for Passwordless, Frictionless Commerce
September 23, 2022  |  Authentication

3DS 1, 3DS 2.1, 3DS 2.2. These acronyms should be crowding merchants’ minds as fines loom this fall for those who are not in compliance...

Companies Lean on Biometrics, Machine Learning to Stay ‘One Step Ahead’ of Fraudsters
Companies Lean on Biometrics, Machine Learning to Stay ‘One Step Ahead’ of Fraudsters
September 14, 2022  |  Biometrics

Wessel Matthee, information security compliance manager at Entersekt, told PYMNTS that through the past few years, there’s been a shift in the ways in which...