
PYMNTS Podcasts, we interview a lot of interesting people and companies please see some of featured interviews below.

PayPal Combines COVID Learning With Digital Transformation to Pursue ‘Commerce 2.0’
PayPal Combines COVID Learning With Digital Transformation to Pursue ‘Commerce 2.0’
May 09, 2022  |  Connected Economy

If you remember Internet 1.0, it looked like a pinball machine and wasn’t very smart, making search results an adventure that often ended in disappointment....

Open Banking Platforms Strive to Balance Security and Ease of Use
Open Banking Platforms Strive to Balance Security and Ease of Use
April 15, 2022  |  Digital-First Banking

Open banking is emerging across every market, but it’s doing so at different paces, for different reasons and in the face of different challenges. “I...

In Bid to Raise the Checkout Bar, PayPal Urges Industry to Boost Authorizations
In Bid to Raise the Checkout Bar, PayPal Urges Industry to Boost Authorizations
March 30, 2022  |  Digital Payments

Declines are deadly during this critical phase of eCommerce growth, which is placing authorization optimization and authorization rates at the center of payments planning in...

Banks’ Digital Offerings Walk a Fine Line Between Trust and Seamlessness
Banks’ Digital Offerings Walk a Fine Line Between Trust and Seamlessness
March 15, 2022  |  Digital-First Banking

Roughly 70% of consumers have extremely or very high levels of trust in their financial institutions (FIs), which may lead one to wonder what’s going...

Digital Tools Unlock New Markets for Credit Unions
Digital Tools Unlock New Markets for Credit Unions
February 25, 2022  |  Credit Unions

Credit unions (CUs) historically have been known for their service — the tellers who know you by name and the call-center staffers who will take...

Banking Customers Demand More Security — But Not if it Hurts User Experience
Banking Customers Demand More Security — But Not if it Hurts User Experience
February 17, 2022  |  Security & Fraud

When accessing their digital financial accounts, customers want to have a choice of channels and devices to use. They also want to have a great...

Banks Use Data, Deep Pockets and Trust to Prep BNPL Entry
Banks Use Data, Deep Pockets and Trust to Prep BNPL Entry
February 15, 2022  |  Buy Now Pay Later

They’ve waited — and they’ve watched. Ava Kelly, chief product officer at i2c, told PYMNTS that banks, after observing digital upstarts, are now fully ready...

Risk-Based Authentication Can Improve Customer Experience, Cement Loyalty
Risk-Based Authentication Can Improve Customer Experience, Cement Loyalty
January 24, 2022  |  Authentication

Fraud is always evolving, and financial institutions girding themselves against attacks often find themselves in the unenviable position of being, at most, one or two...

Responding to ‘Pandemic Fatigue,’ Companies Lead With Empathy
Responding to ‘Pandemic Fatigue,’ Companies Lead With Empathy
January 19, 2022  |  Personnel

After two years of the pandemic — and the new way of living and working that came along with it, with no end in sight...