
Regulation is an abstract concept of management of complex systems according to a set of rules and trends. In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context.


Second Thoughts: CFPB And Prepaid Card Rules
Second Thoughts: CFPB And Prepaid Card Rules
June 20, 2017  |  CFPB

Despite industry concerns — and a potential congressional challenge — the new CFPB prepaid card regulations looked full steam ahead to go into effect on...

Data Should be Held Back from Consumers, Says Treasury Report
Data Should be Held Back from Consumers, Says Treasury Report
June 15, 2017  |  CFPB

As the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) remains in the crosshairs of the Trump administration and members of Congress, data privacy has been top of...

Brexit: The Show Must Go On?
Brexit: The Show Must Go On?
June 14, 2017  |  Brexit

In the wake of the Conservative Party’s surprise victory in the snap elections held in Britain last week, negotiations over Brexit will go on, embattled...

Dodd-Frank Rollback Tops Regulatory Landscape
Dodd-Frank Rollback Tops Regulatory Landscape
June 12, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Big picture thinking dominated news surrounding financial services and payments regulations this past week. In the U.K., a contentious election brought “hard” and “soft” Brexit into...

Blockchain Tracker: Blockchain’s Possible Impact On The Economy
Blockchain Tracker: Blockchain’s Possible Impact On The Economy
June 09, 2017  |  Blockchain

Blockchain could have an impact on the economy — is Russia leading the way with its current investments? With eCommerce transactions moving at the speed of...

China’s State-Owned Companies Must Pay For X-Border Deals
China’s State-Owned Companies Must Pay For X-Border Deals
June 05, 2017  |  Cross Border Commerce

Shougang Group, a state-owned steel company in China, is reportedly on the hunt for assets to purchase that are outside of its main business and...

Behind the Stock Slump and Trump Trade Uncertainty
Behind the Stock Slump and Trump Trade Uncertainty
May 18, 2017  |  News

    If there is one thing Wall Street hates it is uncertainty.  And investors hate uncertainty about uncertainty even more. The Dow Industrial Average...

Banks/FinTech — The Long And Winding (Regulatory) Road
Banks/FinTech — The Long And Winding (Regulatory) Road
April 25, 2017  |  Fintech Investments

In an age where FinTech upstarts, payments companies and banks vie for the same customers, might regulations force them to collaborate? In an interview with...

For China And US, Battling For The Cloud, With Words         
For China And US, Battling For The Cloud, With Words         
April 19, 2017  |  International

In recent months, China has been in the headlines as the Trump administration has taken shape, on all matters of issues, from trade to currency...