
Intellectual Property Paper Chase Makes Way For Smart Contracts
Intellectual Property Paper Chase Makes Way For Smart Contracts
June 22, 2018  |  Blockchain

Paul McCartney sang: “You never give me your money. You only give me your funny paper.” The sentiment could apply to royalties — the kind...

Resolving Discord In Indie Music Payouts
Resolving Discord In Indie Music Payouts
May 02, 2018  |  Payment Methods

Over the years, computers have put a wildly different spin on how music is produced and distributed. First, they emerged as a tool for mixing...

Will Blockchain Tech Deliver Harmony In Music IP Management?
Will Blockchain Tech Deliver Harmony In Music IP Management?
February 09, 2018  |  Blockchain

It’s hard to separate the headlines, sometimes, beyond the vagaries of huge price swings in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It’s hard, sometimes, to find the tunes...

Naming That Tune And Getting Paid Faster
Naming That Tune And Getting Paid Faster
February 24, 2017  |  Payments Innovation

Music is ancient. Paper checks, only slightly less so. In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Hyperwallet VP of Strategy and Business Development Tomas Likar delved into the...