Amazon’s Prime Day is proving to be a significant event for the retail industry. In its third year of existence, this annual discount day for...
Amazon is a powerful presence in the retail industry. There’s no doubt about the magnitude of the effect it has had on retail and the...
More human and less robotic is the sound of the beating retail drum this year. As cognitive-enabled chatbots have worked their way into everyday shopping...
Facebook has launched a new feature within the Marketplace section on its mobile app, and a selection of eBay’s Daily Deals are now available to...
For reasons largely unknown, at some point in the evolution of female fashion, terribly uncomfortable bordering on painful has become the accepted standard. Shoes that...
Target announced Monday (Aug. 14) that it has inked a deal to acquire Grand Junction, a transportation technology company in an effort to expand and...
Facebook, the social media giant, is pushing further into the world of eCommerce, by expanding its Marketplace service, which connects local buyers and sellers, in...
The retail landscape is long, twisted and complex. As it has seen its fair share of ups and downs over the last decade, 2017 is...
There is a time for everything under the sun – a time to be born and a time to die. According to Wareable, the Fossil...