Sizzle Fizzle

Alexa Sizzles, Etsy Fizzles And Data Security Eyes A Legislative Leap Forward
Alexa Sizzles, Etsy Fizzles And Data Security Eyes A Legislative Leap Forward
December 08, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Sizzle Alexa: Users are spending more, and they seem to like doing it, as evidenced by stickiness. A new study reports that Amazon Echo users are boosting their...

Uber’s Rough Ride And Amazon’s Holiday Stride
Uber’s Rough Ride And Amazon’s Holiday Stride
December 01, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Breaches, scandals galore, and not a few losses on the bottom line -- call it a year Uber wants in the rearview mirror, with a ...

Walmart’s Nimble Footed Sizzle, Digital Watches And Wall Street’s Watch Big Retail Fizzle
Walmart’s Nimble Footed Sizzle, Digital Watches And Wall Street’s Watch Big Retail Fizzle
November 24, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

A 40 percent stock gain might be enough to garner a sizzle in any week, but Walmart has been firing on cylinders that extend well...

Same-Day ACH And Remote Retail Sizzle While Amazon Notches The Rare Fizzle Two-fer
Same-Day ACH And Remote Retail Sizzle While Amazon Notches The Rare Fizzle Two-fer
November 10, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

It was a good week for same day ACH, voice activated virtual assistants and finding ways to attend to unattended retail - and sizzle abounded....

Big Tech Firms Sizzle, Star-Backed ICOs Fizzle
Big Tech Firms Sizzle, Star-Backed ICOs Fizzle
November 03, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

It was a week that showed mobility in mobile-ad companies, at least as stock prices were concerned. Consumers seem ready to spread some holiday cheer...

AIs Sizzle, ICOs Fizzle And Fraudsters Find A Way To Ruin Everyone’s Week
AIs Sizzle, ICOs Fizzle And Fraudsters Find A Way To Ruin Everyone’s Week
October 27, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Sizzle of The Week: Fraudsters And for the record, making “fraudsters” a sizzle isn’t because we think it’s a good thing to do – but,...

Amazon Sizzles, Crypto Fizzles And Humans Win One Against The Machines
Amazon Sizzles, Crypto Fizzles And Humans Win One Against The Machines
October 13, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Another full week of ups and downs as Amazon decided that what the world's teenagers need is more shopping options, Russia said no to crypto-currency,  SMB...

Voice Sizzles, Equifax Fizzles And Social Security Numbers Get Ready For A Curtain Call
Voice Sizzles, Equifax Fizzles And Social Security Numbers Get Ready For A Curtain Call
October 06, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Sizzle  Cyberattack insurance: The more headlines gather on data breaches, new (Equifax) and old (Yahoo), and the bad news keeps getting worse (both attacks have...

Sizzle/Fizzle: AI Soars, Toys R Us Sinks And Start-Ups Struggle
Sizzle/Fizzle: AI Soars, Toys R Us Sinks And Start-Ups Struggle
September 22, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

   Sizzle Authentication Technologies: Bound to get a bump, and a big one, sustainable for quite a while. With Equifax in the headlines, naturally, and...