small businesses

Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation.


Today In Payments: JPMorgan Acquires Stake In Brazil’s C6 Bank; EU Plans To Accelerate Open Banking
Today In Payments: JPMorgan Acquires Stake In Brazil’s C6 Bank; EU Plans To Accelerate Open...
June 29, 2021  |  News

In today’s top news, J.P. Morgan has acquired a 40 percent stake in C6 Bank, a Brazilian digital bank, and the European Banking Authority outlined...

SBA Proposal Would Change Definition Of ‘Small’ Business
SBA Proposal Would Change Definition Of ‘Small’ Business
May 26, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The U.S. Small Business Administration is looking for input from the public on a potential regulation that would change the definition of how “small” some...

Report: One-Third Of NYC SMBs Could Close Permanently
Report: One-Third Of NYC SMBs Could Close Permanently
August 03, 2020  |  SMBs

It’s closing time for many small businesses in New York City. As the pandemic drags on and federal aid runs low, many owners are calling...

More Main Street SMBs Face Permanent Closures
More Main Street SMBs Face Permanent Closures
July 22, 2020  |  SMBs

It would be much easier to name all the segments not hit hard by COVID-19 and the subsequent economic chaos it has unleashed than it would be...

PSCU CEO: Credit Unions And Microbusinesses Collaborate To Reopen/Restart The Economy
PSCU CEO: Credit Unions And Microbusinesses Collaborate To Reopen/Restart The Economy
July 21, 2020  |  Credit Unions

COVID-19 has hit the U.S. economy hard, but few areas were hit harder than small businesses. Roughly 90 percent of them are dubbed “microbusinesses,” which...

Uber Freight Adds More Detailed Shipping Info, ETA Predictions
Uber Freight Adds More Detailed Shipping Info, ETA Predictions
July 12, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Uber Freight, which has seen an influx of more activity since the pandemic set in, has announced new features that will aid small businesses, the...

Some PPP Borrowers Foresee Layoffs When PPP Money Runs Out
Some PPP Borrowers Foresee Layoffs When PPP Money Runs Out
June 23, 2020  |  Loans

After using their Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, 14 percent of borrowers foresee needing to lay off staffers, per a survey from the NFIB Research Center. Half...

Philly Consortium Advances ‘Regenerator’ Concept For SMBs
Philly Consortium Advances ‘Regenerator’ Concept For SMBs
May 22, 2020  |  Retail

The data painted a dark picture for Main Street retail this week, with a new Facebook & Small Business Roundtable study showing that over 30...