
The best smartphone in the world. Use a smartphone for mobile payments, retail purchases, or rewards in app.

Visa Looks To Bring QR Code Payments To Taiwan
Visa Looks To Bring QR Code Payments To Taiwan
July 10, 2017  |  Payment Methods

Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay all debuted in Taiwan this spring, but Visa still thinks there’s untapped opportunity in this seemingly saturated market:...

India’s Grand (De) Monetization Experiment
India’s Grand (De) Monetization Experiment
July 04, 2017  |  International

Eight months in, assessing the impact of what happens when you remove 86 percent of a country’s notes in circulation. India’s push toward digital payments...

Happy 10th Anniversary iPhone
Happy 10th Anniversary iPhone
June 29, 2017  |  Apple

Ten years ago today, enthusiasts were waking up on the streets outside of Apple Stores nationwide in the hopes of getting their hands on the...

Mitek’s CEO On Keeping The Right “Innovation Head Space”
Mitek’s CEO On Keeping The Right “Innovation Head Space”
June 27, 2017  |  CEO Series

Innovation in the tech industry moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it. In...

Americans’ Love Affair With Their Smartphones May Keep Inflation Low
Americans’ Love Affair With Their Smartphones May Keep Inflation Low
June 22, 2017  |  Mobile

The obsession Americans have with their mobile phones and apps may play a role in the slow pace of inflation, reported Reuters. Citing a bond manager...

Honda Stops Production In Japan After Computer Virus Hits Plant
Honda Stops Production In Japan After Computer Virus Hits Plant
June 22, 2017  |  Fraud Attack

Honda Motor Co. had to stop production at a domestic vehicle plant in Japan for a day after finding the WannaCry ransomware in its computer...

Why Smartphones Are Payments’ Biggest Innovators
Why Smartphones Are Payments’ Biggest Innovators
May 23, 2017  |  News

Innovation is happening at the speed of payments — which, as it turns out, can be pretty fast these days. In this edition of the...

Using The Blockchain To Bring Banking To Everyone
Using The Blockchain To Bring Banking To Everyone
May 10, 2017  |  Ecosystems

Refugees are among the most unique groups of people for whom to enable mobile payments and other financial services. Clearly an acute need is there,...

Paysafe CPO Speaks To What’s Next For Digital Wallets
Paysafe CPO Speaks To What’s Next For Digital Wallets
May 04, 2017  |  Digital Payments

Thanks to the growth of mobile technology and e-commerce, many are writing banknote obituaries and hailing the arrival of the cashless society said Daniel Kornitzer,...