
Sub-Saharan Africa Driving Mobile Money Market
Sub-Saharan Africa Driving Mobile Money Market
July 13, 2017  |  International

More than half the world’s mobile money deployments are coming from a perhaps unexpected source: Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet in a way, that balance makes sense....

Google’s Big Mobile Moves In India
Google’s Big Mobile Moves In India
July 13, 2017  |  Google

Over the last 18 months, India has moved full-speed ahead from a nearly entirely cash-based society to one with ambitions of being totally cashless. The...

Everyone Hates Payday Lenders And Check Cashers (Except The People Who Use Them)
Everyone Hates Payday Lenders And Check Cashers (Except The People Who Use Them)
June 27, 2017  |  Loans

Everyone hates consumer lenders — politicians, consumer groups, prayer circles — except the people who use them. They tend to like the products — and...

Indonesia In Billionaire Investor Tim Draper’s Crosshairs
Indonesia In Billionaire Investor Tim Draper’s Crosshairs
June 08, 2017  |  Investments

Where might investment riches lie in Asia? One billionaire investor, Tim Draper, sees promise in Indonesia. And the lure there may come in bits and...

MoneyGram, Ant And Making The “Unbanked’s Bank”
MoneyGram, Ant And Making The “Unbanked’s Bank”
May 18, 2017  |  Financial Inclusion

On Tuesday, MoneyGram’s shareholders gave an unequivocal thumbs up to the buyout by Ant Financial. With one more hurdle yet to clear, CFIUS approval, MoneyGram CEO Alex Holmes tells Karen...

BillMo’s Value Proposition To Disrupt Money Transfers
BillMo’s Value Proposition To Disrupt Money Transfers
May 04, 2017  |  Mobile

With a $500 billion market opportunity and the proliferation of mobile devices among unbanked or underbanked consumers globally, the money transfer space is primed and...

ATM Trade Group Pushes Back On The War On Cash
ATM Trade Group Pushes Back On The War On Cash
April 28, 2017  |  Cash

The ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has spoken out against the efforts of the anti-cash lobby. ATMIA recently presented the results of a global research study...

Paris Startup May Secure Unbanked Consumers Via App
Paris Startup May Secure Unbanked Consumers Via App
April 27, 2017  |  Startups

The two billion people in the world without a bank account are forced to use cash. For businesses, this means there could be less revenue...

Cellum Rolls Out Payment Solution For Unbanked
Cellum Rolls Out Payment Solution For Unbanked
April 06, 2017  |  Payment Methods

Cellum, the mobile transactions solutions provider, announced Wednesday (April 5) at the SMART Conference a new solution aimed at providing financial services to the unbanked...