Visual AI

How Secondhand Marketplace thredUP Is Using AI To Personalize Shopping
How Secondhand Marketplace thredUP Is Using AI To Personalize Shopping
August 27, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

Today’s shoppers can find eCommerce niches for just about anything for which they are hunting, whether they are searching for the lowest price tags or...

AI-Powered Visual Shopping Experiences For Millennials, Gen Z
AI-Powered Visual Shopping Experiences For Millennials, Gen Z
August 26, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

Sixty percent of millennials like using visual searches when shopping online marketplaces. Meeting that "look, buy, have" way of shopping means using AI to optimize...

Trending: Meeting The Millennial Need For AI-Powered Visual Shopping
Trending: Meeting The Millennial Need For AI-Powered Visual Shopping
August 23, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

Online marketplaces for everything from retail goods to travel services to hospitality need to ensure a quick and easy way for both buyers and sellers...