Fans of television – or more accurately, fans of television tropes are probably familiar with the concept of “The Berserk Button.” The Berserk Button in...
It was a quarterly earnings bonanza this week, but there’s more to the B2B data than Q1 figures. The market saw its first tech IPO,...
Free. What can be better than free? “Free” is so alluring that songwriters have created a boatload of songs about the concept. Prince, who sadly...
Corporate America seems to have let itself get out of hand in the omnichannel commerce and procurement space. At least, that’s what Conferma could argue,...
Technology is making payments invisible – which is why the card networks want issuers to alert consumers when purchases are made. Karen Webster hosted a...
Last week in payments was notable for having one of the more colorful beginnings and endings in recent memory. Following on the news that Alexander...
While Macy’s “sky-is-falling” headlines seem to abound of late, it would be understandable if the mood within the massive department store chain was a bit...
Schadenfreude, the German word for joy at the pain or misery of others, is one of the more perfect lingual creations of mankind. For one,...