What’s Happening

McDonald’s Pushes Apple Pay Out The Window
McDonald’s Pushes Apple Pay Out The Window
September 15, 2014  |  Apple Pay

McDonald’s Chief Digital Officer Atif Rafiq was talking with a reporter last week about how “seamless” and easy McDonald’s will incorporate ApplePay, which makes sense given...

How To Make Government Payments Work
How To Make Government Payments Work
September 15, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Some 13 state agencies operating Women, Infants and Children (WIC) benefit programs have implemented electronic benefits transfer (EBT) initiatives to improve the efficiency of funds...

Amex, China Mobile, Make Mobile Payments Move
Amex, China Mobile, Make Mobile Payments Move
September 15, 2014  |  Mobile

With soaring mobile purchases in China as a backdrop, American Express and China Mobile (China’s largest telecom) to jointly support an NFC mobile payment system...

Home Depot Cyberthieves Took Advantage of Security Upgrade Delays
Home Depot Cyberthieves Took Advantage of Security Upgrade Delays
September 15, 2014  |  Controversial

For those corporate employees who get frustrated by the slowness of decisions and the glacial pace of deployments, take comfort in the fact that this...

Are B2B Payments Coming To Amazon India?
Are B2B Payments Coming To Amazon India?
September 15, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Earlier this year, Amazon.com’s AmazonSupply, the online marketplace’s B2B operation that’s in beta, began exploring the U.S. wholesale and distribution market. It may be about...

Banks Went The Apple Way
Banks Went The Apple Way
September 12, 2014  |  Mobile

The mobile payment relationship between the major banks and Apple is, to put mildly, a delicate one. Apple’s move has the potential to vastly increase...

UPS Delivery Headache: Too Much E-Commerce
UPS Delivery Headache: Too Much E-Commerce
September 12, 2014  |  News

There once was a time when E-Commerce was a gift to delivery services, where replacing all of those personally-picked-up purchases with a truck-delivered one a...