Whole Foods, Prime Now and AmazonFresh Are Now Under A Single Executive Leader
Whole Foods, Prime Now and AmazonFresh Are Now Under A Single Executive Leader
November 09, 2017  |  Amazon Commerce

Amazon’s physical retail and fast delivery businesses are now under a single leader, company veteran Steve Kessel, according to Thursday reports from the Wall Street Journal. Kessel...

Were 3.25M Indian Debit Cards Breached?
Were 3.25M Indian Debit Cards Breached?
October 20, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

As many as 3.25 million debit cards in India will either have their security codes changed or their cards swapped out wholesale due to concerns...

Inventory Clouds Retail Landscape
Inventory Clouds Retail Landscape
May 23, 2016  |  Retail

Inventory has been building at retailers in the United States, and that snowball effect could hurt profits going forward, Reuters reported on Friday (May 20)....

CFPB Says Consumers Complain About Credit Reporting Agencies
CFPB Says Consumers Complain About Credit Reporting Agencies
April 27, 2016  |  CFPB

U.S. consumers logged growth in complaints to the CFPB, especially focused on debt collectors. Mortgages remain a problem in terms of accurate and timely communication...

Square To Go Public, Privately
Square To Go Public, Privately
July 27, 2015  |  Mobile Commerce

Jack Dorsey has taken the first steps in taking his mobile payments company public, but he’s doing so out of the glare of the typical...