Account Security news and trends

Your P@$$w0rd Is Bad – Here’s Why
Security & Fraud // August 09, 2017

Your clever password, dotted with capital letters, numbers and symbols isn’t so clever after all. The man who wrote the book on crafting uncrackable passwords now tells the Wall Street Journal that he was all wrong: short and goofy-looking isn’t the key to better security....

Quick Reads
Instagram Hack Bigger Than Thought

September 04, 2017
Instagram, the photo sharing social media network owned by Facebook, said late last week that a cyberattack impacted more people than it previously thought. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, originally Instagram said hackers were able to steal email addresses and phone numbers of celebrity accounts but later said regular users were […]

Your P@$$w0rd Is Bad – Here’s Why

August 09, 2017
Your clever password, dotted with capital letters, numbers and symbols isn’t so clever after all. The man who wrote the book on crafting uncrackable passwords now tells the Wall Street...