Amazon Hq news and trends

Amazon And Its Real Estate Effect
Real Estate // May 03, 2018

Is Amazon so big that it can change the real estate game in a way that might suit Amazon? Consider that the eCommerce giant has had some pull with major cities — the ones who didn’t make the cut for being a finalist in the...

Could Amazon’s Boston Real Estate Hunt Mean The 2HQ?
Amazon // January 12, 2018

Cities and states around the country are vying to become home to Amazon’s second headquarters (HQ2), offering the company all sorts of amenities to entice it to their home areas.  According to the Associated Press, though, more than 15 cities and states have refused to disclose...

The Frightful Five: Fake Apps And Hubcaps
Retail // December 14, 2017

When a company is as massive as any one of the Frightful Five, the bad news is it’s inevitable that some things will slip under the radar. Apple and Amazon learned that the hard way this week as partners called them out on fake apps...

Quick Reads
Amazon’s New Arlington HQ Looks To Hire 400 This Year

April 29, 2019
Amazon has announced that it’s looking to fill jobs for its new headquarters in Arlington, Va., and to help build up the community, according to a blog post. The company said it wants to create 400 jobs this year and about 25,000 in the next 10 years and beyond. “Today marks an important step in […]

Amazon And Its Real Estate Effect

May 03, 2018
Is Amazon so big that it can change the real estate game in a way that might suit Amazon? Consider that the eCommerce giant has had some pull with major...

Could Amazon’s Boston Real Estate Hunt Mean The 2HQ?

January 12, 2018
Cities and states around the country are vying to become home to Amazon’s second headquarters (HQ2), offering the company all sorts of amenities to entice it to their home areas.  According...