Bluetooth Low Energy news and trends

Bluetooth’s Not-So-Smart Tech Security Flaws
News // May 26, 2015

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is at the center of cybersecurity attention, raising concerns about privacy and confidentiality. Context, a specialized consultancy, proved that BLE signals transmitted by many mobile phones, wearable devices and iBeacons, including the iPhone and leading fitness monitors, could be easily recorded...

Zappos Adds TouchID For Seamless Shopping Experience
Apple Pay // March 10, 2015

Online retailer Zappos, part of the Amazon family, announced on March 4 that its mobile app is now Touch ID enabled through iOS with the new update that was released two days earlier. “Passwords can be a hassle and that’s where Touch ID comes in,...

Lights Out So Far On NFC Terminals
Company Spotlight // September 08, 2014

Most of the largest retailers have moved to EMV-based systems, but smaller businesses are well behind. And of those that have embraced the chip card standard, most also are including Near Field Communication chips in the terminals, executives at terminal manufacturer VeriFone Systems Inc. noted...

Quick Reads
Zappos Adds TouchID For Seamless Shopping Experience

March 10, 2015
Online retailer Zappos, part of the Amazon family, announced on March 4 that its mobile app is now Touch ID enabled through iOS with the new update that was released two days earlier. “Passwords can be a hassle and that’s where Touch ID comes in, with a single touch you are logged in and ready […]