Millennial and Gen Z stereotypes often revolve around being tied to smartphones or computer screens, but these consumers love the outdoors just as much as their parents’ and grandparents’ generations. One study found that individuals between the ages of 18 and 30 performed more than...
The Nomadik Founder Pat Hines grew up in the outdoor and action sports industries before he was inspired to start his subscription box service for adventurers. Hines, who was a pro-amateur surfer, loved seeing the latest and greatest gadgets. But for an everyday person to...
Sarah Smith and her husband are avid campers. They’ve camped their entire lives. And when they moved to the Pacific Northwest, they began to camp every week — however, they would get mad at each other because neither one of them could find a campground...
When Olaf Dunn wanted to go camping with his kids last year, finding an available campsite on short notice wasn’t easy. “In Canada, you need to make sure to reserve your campsite four, five, six months in advance,” Dunn, founder of Pitched, told in...
August 28, 2020
For the non-expert, going camping can be a bit of an intimidating activity. Where to camp, what to pack and how to prepare can seem easy if one already knows what they’re doing — and hard to figure out when one doesn’t. It’s a situation that Hipcamp founder Alyssa Ravasio told PYMNTs she learned the […]