Cash Alternatives news and trends

RBR Expects Payment Card Acceptance To Increase 40 Percent By 2022
Payment Methods // March 16, 2018

Thanks in part to new regulations and an increase in financial literacy, RBR projects that payment card acceptance will jump 40 percent to 85 million outlets around the globe by 2022. In a press release highlighting the results of its latest forecast, RBR said that...

Interviews & Exclusives
Square On Canadian Merchants And Cash(less) Payments

March 30, 2018
Today’s average Canadian consumer is more cash-enthused than their average American counterpart. Canadians still make about 51 percent of their purchases in cash, according to data from the Bank of Canada – as opposed to Americans, who handle less than a third of their transactions in cash, according to the PYMNTS Global Cash Index. Canadians, by the […]

Quick Reads
RBR Expects Payment Card Acceptance To Increase 40 Percent By 2022

March 16, 2018
Thanks in part to new regulations and an increase in financial literacy, RBR projects that payment card acceptance will jump 40 percent to 85 million outlets around the globe by 2022. In a press release highlighting the results of its latest forecast, RBR said that regulations and increases in financial literacy are driving the card […]