Cash Conversion Cycle news and trends

CFOs Zero In on Optimizing the Cash Conversion Cycle
B2B Payments // October 12, 2022

With the digital transformation of corporate finance comes the promise of retiring outmoded approaches to the cash conversion cycle, making payments complete faster and having funds on hand for needed expenditures and investments in a far timelier manner. Recent PYMNTS research done in collaboration with...

Interviews & Exclusives
100 CFOs Say That Businesses With AR Frictions Must Either Automate or Fall Behind

July 17, 2023
The accounts receivable (AR) function of a business relies on timely payment for goods and services provided, which can help optimize the cash conversion cycle and help businesses grow. Frictions in the process, however, present companies with hurdles which can directly impact cash flow and reduce operational efficiency. Payment-related delays have been identified as the […]

CFOs Zero In on Optimizing the Cash Conversion Cycle

October 12, 2022
With the digital transformation of corporate finance comes the promise of retiring outmoded approaches to the cash conversion cycle, making payments complete faster and having funds on hand for needed...