Cnp news and trends

Digital Wallet Flips The Script On Payments Friction
Digital Payments // January 15, 2021

A year ago, as 2019 was turning over into 2020, the distinction between card-present transactions and card-not present transactions was highly relevant in the world of commerce. As 2020 is becoming 2021, on the other hand — not so much and for good reason. As...

EMV 3DS: Closing The Card Present/Card-Not-Present Auth Rate Gap
Authentication // August 14, 2020

Selling an EMV 3DS (also referred to as 3DS 2.0) product to merchants hasn’t always been smooth sailing. When PAAY, a software-as-a-service  company that protects merchants from fraud and increases authorization rates first started offering EMV 3DS, it had to do a lot in educating...

Deep Dive: Why Contactless Card-Not-Present Transactions Are Gaining New Momentum
Next-Gen Debit // July 06, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how consumers buy goods, and some of these new payment behaviors could continue well after the crisis ends. Consumers’ concerns about visiting stores and touching POS terminals have generated interest in touchless methods, as have merchants’ worries about risking potential...

How FIs Adapt Fraud Detection During Times Of Behavioral Upheaval
Next-Gen Debit // July 03, 2020

The shuttering and reopening of states' economies are causing seismic shifts in consumer behaviors. Tried and tested ways of catching fraudsters, such as comparing consumers' activities against their 90-day transaction histories, are now resulting in false positives, says Carlos Mejia, chief digital executive at Pacific...

Interviews & Exclusives
Proactive Dispute Policies Put Merchants, Consumers on Same Page

September 15, 2022
Transaction disputes, by their very nature, are reactive problems for merchants. They don’t exist until a cardholder is dissatisfied or confused about a transaction, setting off a chain reaction of events. The cardholder first contacts the credit card issuer with a complaint, then a provisional credit is shared with them before an investigation, commonly referred […]

Digital Wallet Flips The Script On Payments Friction

January 15, 2021
A year ago, as 2019 was turning over into 2020, the distinction between card-present transactions and card-not present transactions was highly relevant in the world of commerce. As 2020 is...

EMV 3DS: Closing The Card Present/Card-Not-Present Auth Rate Gap

August 14, 2020
Selling an EMV 3DS (also referred to as 3DS 2.0) product to merchants hasn’t always been smooth sailing. When PAAY, a software-as-a-service  company that protects merchants from fraud and increases...

How The Pandemic Makes 90-Day Customer Histories A Fraud-Fighting Weakness

July 02, 2020
Consumers who are seeking to avoid exposing themselves or others to COVID-19 are turning to eCommerce where possible and are demanding touch-free ways to pay when they have to visit...

Quick Reads
Study: Merchants To Lose $130B In Digital CNP Fraud

January 03, 2019
A new study has revealed that retailers will lose around $130 billion in digital CNP (Card-not-Present) fraud between 2018 and 2023. Juniper Research’s new report, Online Payment Fraud: Emerging Threats, Segment Analysis & Market Forecasts 2018-2023, explained that complex cross-channel fraud will become the “new normal” in the coming years — and retailers are simply […]

EMVCo Updates Protocol To Prevent CNP Fraud

December 17, 2018
EMVCo, the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions,  announced late last week that it published the EMV 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions Specification...

Tech, Global Network Of Merchants Can Combat Ecommerce Fraud

March 13, 2017
Emailage, the email risk assessment company, has found that during 2016 $1 billion in fraud was stopped by using technology and a syndicated network of global merchants. In a press...

Fraud Forecast Increases For Online Holiday Shopping

November 18, 2015
The holiday shopping season may see growth in the gift that no one wants and which keeps on giving — fraud. New research from ACI Worldwide shows that cyberthieves will...