Co Working Spaces news and trends

How Knotel Is Building The Airbnb Of Commercial Real Estate
Merchant Innovation // April 25, 2018

Knotel co-founder and CEO Amol Sarva has had a full life in tech. Apart from his current venture, Sarva is also the co-founder of Halo Neuroscience, Peek and Virgin Mobile USA – and those are just his better-known ventures. He founded his first firm when he was still a...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Knotel Is Building The Airbnb Of Commercial Real Estate

April 25, 2018
Knotel co-founder and CEO Amol Sarva has had a full life in tech. Apart from his current venture, Sarva is also the co-founder of Halo Neuroscience, Peek and Virgin Mobile USA – and those are just his better-known ventures. He founded his first firm when he was still a philosophy student at Columbia University, a web development firm called […]

Quick Reads
Boston Fed Pres. Thinks Co-Working Spaces Could Hurt Economy

September 22, 2019
The Boston Federal Reserve president think that co-working spaces could ultimately hurt the economy, and even worsen the next U.S. recession. “I am concerned that commercial real estate losses will be larger in the next downturn because of this growing feature of the real estate market, which could ultimately make runs and vacancies more likely […]