Contacless Payments news and trends

Contactless Card Payments Taking Off In The UK

September 02, 2016
Visa Struts Contactless Pay At London Fashion Week
International // September 22, 2015

In the midst of London’s Fashion Week, Visa is pushing contactless pay in a fashionable way. As reported by Gizmodo on Monday (Sept. 21), the payments giant, in partnership with designer Henry Holland, is promoting the NFC technology in tandem with “Visa Europe Collab.” But...

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Contactless Card Payments Taking Off In The UK

September 02, 2016
Contactless card payments are gaining traction in the U.K., with Brits more likely to make a payment via contactless card than check, according to research by Mintel, the global market research firm. According to the research, which was issued on Thursday (Sept. 1), 31 percent of British residents used a check to pay for goods […]

Visa Struts Contactless Pay At London Fashion Week

September 22, 2015
In the midst of London’s Fashion Week, Visa is pushing contactless pay in a fashionable way. As reported by Gizmodo on Monday (Sept. 21), the payments giant, in partnership with...