Corporate Treasurers news and trends

APIs Help FIs Keep Pace With B2B Clients’ Faster Payment Needs
API // February 06, 2020

Breaking the legacy of batch payments can help corporate treasurers hit instant speeds — and access rich real-time payment data — with the right application programming interface (API) integrations. In this month’s B2B API Tracker, BNP Paribas Vice President Charlotte Hausemer explains how banks are...

To Limit Or Not To Limit? The Instant Earned-Wage Access Debate
Faster Payments // May 29, 2019

The looming specter of Brexit, and the trade war between the U.S. and China, are sending ripple effects well beyond these countries’ borders, impacting many other areas of the global economy. While these political developments insert new uncertainties and frictions into international trade, financial institutions...

Interviews & Exclusives
J.P. Morgan: Treasurers Are Critical To Helping Firms Plan For Business Resiliency

June 25, 2020
With the global pandemic tossing many organizations into a digitization crash-course, business continuity has remained top of mind for the C-suite. It will continue to be a focus, too, as businesses gradually reopen and as employees begin to return to the office. But there will also be a shift toward a new challenge for corporates […]

To Limit Or Not To Limit? The Instant Earned-Wage Access Debate

May 29, 2019
The looming specter of Brexit, and the trade war between the U.S. and China, are sending ripple effects well beyond these countries’ borders, impacting many other areas of the global...