Bank and credit card chargebacks are valuable tools, keeping consumers safe from credit card thieves, hackers and unscrupulous merchants. The Truth in Lending Act, signed into law in 1968, grants U.S. consumers the universal right to credit card charge reversals, while the Electronic Fund Transfer...
A top priority among quick-service restaurants (QSRs) is protecting against bad actors who can make off with untold sums if left unchecked. Mobile app developers and restaurant owners are thus pouring resources into countering threats and avoiding data breaches that harm both them and...
RHB in Malaysia is introducing fraud protection cards with mini screens on the back that auto-generate new card verification value (CVV) numbers, according to reports. An algorithm will generate the new number for the card. The RHB Rewards Motion Code, as the bank calls the...
Embedded digital security company Oberthur Technologies released on Thursday (March 17) the results of a survey showing that 80 percent of respondents would be more likely to use a MOTION CODE-enabled card over one that has a static and printed CVV code when shopping online. In...
July 22, 2019
RHB in Malaysia is introducing fraud protection cards with mini screens on the back that auto-generate new card verification value (CVV) numbers, according to reports. An algorithm will generate the new number for the card. The RHB Rewards Motion Code, as the bank calls the new offering, offers an alternative to standard cards with a […]
March 18, 2016
Embedded digital security company Oberthur Technologies released on Thursday (March 17) the results of a survey showing that 80 percent of respondents would be more likely to use a MOTION CODE-enabled...