Cyberthief news and trends

Cyberthieves Will Target Apple Pay, ATMs And Banks In 2015
Apple Pay // December 31, 2014

Apple Pay, ATMs and even traditional B2B financial-transfer systems will be the top targets of a new wave of payments-oriented cyberattacks in 2015, according to predictions by security vendor Kaspersky Labs. As Apple Pay becomes more successful next year, it “will inevitably attract many cybercriminals...

Pepperoni Payments Peril: Massive Payment Swindle Used Mobile Pizza
Mobile // December 08, 2014

It’s long been common practice for cyberthieves to test stolen cards online, often with a tiny charge on a charity site, to quickly determine which have been shut down and which are still valid. But the latest tactic involves ordering pizzas from Domino’s—OK, so food...

Cyberthieves Target Rewards Points
News // November 03, 2014

Payments professionals invest a lot of time and money protect payment card data and shopper PII specifics, but thieves are now zeroing in on an apparent soft spot: rewards points, especially points that can easily be converted into cash. “Many companies give customers the ability to earn...

How The Cyberthieves Got In At Chase
News // November 03, 2014

Cyberthieves seeking payment card data have a tendency to sniff out a weak link, the softest way to enter a secure site. With Target, it found credentials to get in through a refrigeration, heating and air conditioning subcontractor. New word is that J.P. Morgan Chase’s attackers...

Quick Reads
Uber Accounts For Sale On The Dark Web?

March 31, 2015
Stolen Uber customer accounts are being sold on the dark Internet by the thousands for as little as $1 each, online magazine Motherboard reported on Friday (March 27). The Uber account data reportedly being sold includes usernames and passwords, customer names, telephone numbers and partial credit card data — last four digits and expiration date. […]

Cyberthieves Will Target Apple Pay, ATMs And Banks In 2015

December 31, 2014
Apple Pay, ATMs and even traditional B2B financial-transfer systems will be the top targets of a new wave of payments-oriented cyberattacks in 2015, according to predictions by security vendor Kaspersky...

Pepperoni Payments Peril: Massive Payment Swindle Used Mobile Pizza

December 08, 2014
It’s long been common practice for cyberthieves to test stolen cards online, often with a tiny charge on a charity site, to quickly determine which have been shut down and...

Cyberthieves Target Rewards Points

November 03, 2014
Payments professionals invest a lot of time and money protect payment card data and shopper PII specifics, but thieves are now zeroing in on an apparent soft spot: rewards points,...