Digital Retailing news and trends

Snobswap Snags $1M To Take Consignment Shops Digital
Merchant Innovation // August 07, 2015

Bringing bricks-and-mortar online seems to be a natural transition in the retail industry, but not every retailer is created equal in their experience of making the switch. That’s why one startup is trying to make it easier for consignment shops stuck in the physical world to...

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Snobswap Snags $1M To Take Consignment Shops Digital

August 07, 2015
Bringing bricks-and-mortar online seems to be a natural transition in the retail industry, but not every retailer is created equal in their experience of making the switch. That’s why one startup is trying to make it easier for consignment shops stuck in the physical world to transform into digital shops. And according to TechCrunch, this startup […]