Whether its receiving loans from their financial institutions (FIs), getting rebates from merchants or receiving on-demand payments, consumers want more options in how they receive their disbursements. A growing share now prefer push payments into their bank accounts, and more direct-to-bank payments, according to the...
What is the key to meeting consumers’ payment preferences? According to a survey of 2,300 respondents, it all comes down to the three Cs: convenience, certainty and choice, the latest edition of the Disbursement Satisfaction Index reveals. In terms of convenience, speed is priority. When...
Can financial incentives boost workforce production and help employees pursue healthier lifestyles? The new Disbursement Tracker includes a Deep Dive that looks at the growing employee wellness program market and how disbursement tools are being used to encourage healthier living.
It’s Wednesday, and Jane needs to get her car fixed. Payday for Jane comes Friday via a payroll card that pushes money into an account she can use. But Jane is like many workers – stringing together multiple gigs to make ends meet and working...
March 07, 2018
It’s Wednesday, and Jane needs to get her car fixed. Payday for Jane comes Friday via a payroll card that pushes money into an account she can use. But Jane is like many workers – stringing together multiple gigs to make ends meet and working for employers who pay her by check. The two checks […]