Dongle news and trends

Mastercard And PayRange Partner To Make Vending Cashless
Unattended Retail // April 19, 2017

“Who wants to shop at vending machines?” When PYMNTS first encountered PayRange CEO Paresh Patel at Innovation Project 2013, he was leading a tiny startup with a big goal: to bring vending into the digital age. Yes, vending — those large, unattended kiosks that typically serve...

Interviews & Exclusives
xPressTap: mPOS Without The Dongle

August 07, 2017
A payments solution that requires micromerchants to buy — and then wait for — special hardware isn’t much of a solution if you ask Joe Lynam, chief executive officer and co-founder of payments technology firm xPressTap. For that matter, a solution that only works for some merchants and some customers can never be the true cash […]