Email Scams news and trends

PR Gov’t Loses $2.6M Due To Email Phishing
Security & Fraud // February 13, 2020

The government of Puerto Rico lost $2.6 million after it was the victim of an email phishing scam, according to the AP. Rubén Rivera, finance director for the government’s Industrial Development Company, said a complaint was filed with authorities on Wednesday (Feb. 12). The department got...

When Email Becomes SMBs’ Biggest Security Threat
B2B Payments // January 16, 2020

The business email compromise (BEC) scam is a cybersecurity threat to businesses of all sizes, and the financial and security implications of a successful attack aren’t isolated to its target. The BEC scam can manifest in many forms. For instance, fraudsters can infiltrate the email...

GIACT On Payments’ $29M Wire Fraud Wake-Up Call
Security & Fraud // November 04, 2019

Last week, the U.S. subsidiary of Japan’s largest financial media organization, Nikkei, made headlines for the reason that no firm ever wants: The company was the victim of financial fraud to the tune of $29 million via a wire transfer gone bad. Details are still...

 Justice Department Indicts 80 in Massive Online Fraud Scheme
B2B Payments // August 26, 2019

The Justice Department has unsealed an indictment spanning hundreds of charges against 80 individuals, many of them Nigerian nationals. The charges detail elaborate BEC schemes that stole millions of dollars from victims. Separately, an Oregon school district is on the verge of recovering millions stolen in...

Interviews & Exclusives
GIACT On Payments’ $29M Wire Fraud Wake-Up Call

November 04, 2019
Last week, the U.S. subsidiary of Japan’s largest financial media organization, Nikkei, made headlines for the reason that no firm ever wants: The company was the victim of financial fraud to the tune of $29 million via a wire transfer gone bad. Details are still emerging, but what is known thus far is that the […]

Quick Reads
PR Gov’t Loses $2.6M Due To Email Phishing

February 13, 2020
The government of Puerto Rico lost $2.6 million after it was the victim of an email phishing scam, according to the AP. Rubén Rivera, finance director for the government’s Industrial Development Company, said a complaint was filed with authorities on Wednesday (Feb. 12). The department got an email that said there was a new bank account […]

Australian Inboxes Hit With Fake ASIC Malware

July 11, 2017
If you live Down Under, you might want to stick to the old-fashioned kind of surfing and avoid the web today. Not for the first time — not even for the...