Emv/page/5 news and trends

EMV 3DS: Why 2020 Is Different

September 22, 2020
eCommerce credit card dispute
From Why To How Fast: Getting Contactless Payments Up To Speed In Public Transportation
Payments Innovation // July 07, 2020

COVID-19 is derailing public transportation the world over, but Fernando Souza, vice president at payments platform CyberSource tells PYMNTS it’s also creating a huge push toward replacing cash and paper tickets with contactless payments. The conversations with transportation systems are no longer about 'why' but...

A Full-Picture Approach To Thwarting Debit Fraud
Next-Gen Debit // January 31, 2020

Debit payments have a $960 million fraud problem — and reliance on analyzing customers' behaviors doesn’t go far enough. Modern security measures must examine the behavioral patterns of all transactional participants (including the ATM), says FICO Vice President Doug Clare. In the inaugural Next-Gen Debit...

FICO’s Take On Debit Security
Next-Gen Debit // January 30, 2020

Widely publicized data breaches and hacks have made today’s consumers especially concerned about fraud. Cautious shoppers may find comfort in debit, with fraud losses associated with the payment method declining over the past several years. This payment rail’s use is going strong in the United...

You Haven’t Been Yourself Lately: Digital Identity Trends 2020
Security & Fraud // January 13, 2020

The launch of EMV chip cards in the U.S. in the early 2000s had much of the hoped-for effect: By 2017, both Mastercard and Visa had reported that counterfeit fraud was more than halved. That’s one of the happier stories in the turbulent digital identity...

Interviews & Exclusives
EMV 3DS: Why 2020 Is Different

September 22, 2020
“Never buy a couch without consulting your spouse.” It’s timeless advice, but PAAY Chief Technical Officer Adam Gluck told Karen Webster that a friend of his recently failed to heed it. A new couch arrived, and the man’s wife took one look at it and told him to “get that ugly thing” off her porch […]

EMV’s Delay Has Been The Convenience Store’s Innovation Gain

October 01, 2019
EMV seems to be that payments issue that just won’t go away, but not in the U.S., where at least one vital and robust sector of commerce has yet to...

Closing In On Contactless Payments’ Tipping Point

May 28, 2019
Contactless payments have yet to achieve critical mass in the U.S., at only about 3 percent of transactions, according to NMI. Nick Starai, chief strategy officer at the firm, tells...

Giving Community Banks The Contactless Card Boost

January 24, 2019
Contactless has yet to catch on in the United States, despite years of promotional efforts and the success of the payment method in the U.K., Australia and Canada. However, there...

Quick Reads
Visa: EMV Drives POS Counterfeit Fraud Down 76 Pct

May 30, 2019
Visa said this week that as acceptance of EMV cards has gained traction in the U.S., counterfeit fraud, measured in dollars for these card present transactions, has dropped precipitously. The latest stats show that the continued upgrade to chip card acceptance – which began in 2015 – has led to a decrease in counterfeit fraud […]

Worldnet Completes Certification Of Unattended Card Reader

April 25, 2019
Worldnet Payments has completed the EMV certification of the ID TECH VP5300, an unattended card reader, the company said in a release. The VP5300 is a device that has low...

Wells Fargo Rolls Out Contactless Credit, Debit Cards

April 02, 2019
Wells Fargo announced Tuesday (April 2)  the launch of contactless consumer credit and debit cards. In a press release, Wells Fargo said the new cards will enable customers to complete...

EMVCo Updates Protocol To Prevent CNP Fraud

December 17, 2018
EMVCo, the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions,  announced late last week that it published the EMV 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions Specification...