Facebook Executive news and trends

Facebook CISO Leaving Due To Internal Dispute Over Disinformation Scandal

March 20, 2018
Peter Thiel Could Log Off Facebook And Silicon Valley
Facebook // February 16, 2018

Is Peter Thiel resigning from the Facebook board? Sources say he is considering it, as he moves his residence and investment firms to Los Angeles later this year. According to CNBC, Thiel is relocating Thiel Capital and Thiel Foundation from San Francisco to L.A., and...

Quick Reads
Facebook CISO Leaving Due To Internal Dispute Over Disinformation Scandal

March 20, 2018
An internal dispute over Facebook’s role in spreading disinformation has led to the impending departure of a key executive. The New York Times reports that Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief information security officer, is leaving the company due to behind-the-scenes disagreements over how much the company should share about Russian interference on the platform, as well […]

Peter Thiel Could Log Off Facebook And Silicon Valley

February 16, 2018
Is Peter Thiel resigning from the Facebook board? Sources say he is considering it, as he moves his residence and investment firms to Los Angeles later this year. According to...