Fattmerchant news and trends

Fattmerchant Puts Merchants On A Subscription Diet
Payments Innovation // January 11, 2017

As a general rule, merchants aren’t really excited about payments. Getting paid, on the other hand, they are very excited about — but what happens once the swipe or the dip or the click happens, happens inside of a black box that they don’t spent...

Interviews & Exclusives
Getting Skinny With It: SMBs And The Cost of Payments

June 20, 2017
Our latest Data Drivers finds Karen Webster chewing the fat with Suneera Madhani, CEO and founder of Fattmerchant. The skinny? How to slim down those processing fees and monthly statements.

Fattmerchant Puts Merchants On A Subscription Diet

January 11, 2017
As a general rule, merchants aren’t really excited about payments. Getting paid, on the other hand, they are very excited about — but what happens once the swipe or the...