Federal Government news and trends

Paper Checks, COVID-19 And The Flaw With Analog Relief Payments
Coronavirus // March 18, 2020

This week after what has felt like a steady drumbeat of bad news, American workers who’ve seen their employment either greatly truncated or completely evaporate in the face of the global COVID-19 outbreak finally got a piece of good news. Government relief is reportedly on the...

The White House Startup That’s Taking On Healthcare Payments
Healthcare // November 01, 2019

Though the launch of Healthcare.gov is likely a dim, distant memory for most people, at the time, it was front-page news — and not for a good reason. The site, tasked with enrolling people in the newly passed Affordable Care Act (ACA), was by all...

How The U.S. Government Sets The Benchmark For Digital ID Standards
Authentication // August 07, 2019

Knowledge-based authentication is a popular choice among merchants and FIs for convenient digital ID verification – but with data breaches becoming a regular occurrence, reliance on KBA can cost big. In this month’s Digital ID Tracker, David Temoshok, senior policy advisor at the National Institute...

Wanted: Cybersecurity Aces — Mastercard, Partners Have A Plan
Mastercard // April 10, 2019

Here’s a bit of heresy for 2019: Data’s not everything. Sure, data often gets called the oil of the digital age — and data, as a commodity, has an economic, political and cultural value as massive as all those hydrocarbons gathered from beneath the planet’s surface....

Interviews & Exclusives
Paper Checks, COVID-19 And The Flaw With Analog Relief Payments

March 18, 2020
This week after what has felt like a steady drumbeat of bad news, American workers who’ve seen their employment either greatly truncated or completely evaporate in the face of the global COVID-19 outbreak finally got a piece of good news. Government relief is reportedly on the way. During a White House press conference Tuesday, (March 17), Treasury Secretary Steven […]

The White House Startup That’s Taking On Healthcare Payments

November 01, 2019
Though the launch of Healthcare.gov is likely a dim, distant memory for most people, at the time, it was front-page news — and not for a good reason. The site,...

Wanted: Cybersecurity Aces — Mastercard, Partners Have A Plan

April 10, 2019
Here’s a bit of heresy for 2019: Data’s not everything. Sure, data often gets called the oil of the digital age — and data, as a commodity, has an economic, political...

What’s In Your ‘Citizen Wallet?’

March 22, 2019
Government moves at its own pace, for better or worse or both, but that pace can provide opportunities for fraud and expensive errors – mistakes and missteps that can cost hundreds...

Quick Reads
Federal Cybersecurity Professionals Play Catch-Up Weeks After Gov’t Shutdown

February 11, 2019
Federal cybersecurity workers tasked with protecting the federal government from hackers have been scrambling to catch up two weeks after the longest government shutdown in modern history ended. According to a report in Wired, the cybersecurity workers that were furloughed for more than a month are now working hard to catch up to what is […]

Gov’t Shutdown May Have Cost The US $6B

January 28, 2019
The partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government – which lasted 35 days, the longest in modern history – cost the U.S. economy $6 billion, Reuters reported. According to the...

Some States Readying For A Fight Over Federal Government’s FinTech Oversight

August 09, 2018
Some states are girding for a fight with the Trump White House over plans for the federal government to increase its role in overseeing the FinTech startup market. According to...

Bitcoin Daily: Robinhood’s Crypto Trading Hits 1M, Seagate Feels Negative Effects Of Ripple

January 30, 2018
Like the rise of cryptocurrencies, interest in a new trading app that will allow users to trade bitcoin and Ethereum has surged, CNBC reported. After Robinhood announced that it will allow no-fee...