Franklin Madison news and trends

New Report: Younger Consumers Could Make Buying Insurance From a Financial Institution Cool
Insurance // June 06, 2024

Most consumers get their insurance from various providers, but data shows that consumers want to simplify the process. PYMNTS Intelligence finds that 44% of all consumers would turn to their financial institutions (FIs) for these needs. Younger consumers are particularly keen on shopping for these...

Insurance Sector Moves Digital-First to Support Shifts in Buyer Behavior
Insurance // May 01, 2024

The insurance industry, often perceived as lagging in innovation and adapting to consumer needs, is undergoing a notable transformation. Traditionally reliant on agents for product sales, the industry is seeing a gradual shift away from this model, said Andrea Heger, senior vice president of insurance...

Data Models Emerge as Effective Customer Strategy
Opinion // April 24, 2024

Data modeling can guide businesses refine strategies and optimize outcomes in uncertain times, Franklin Madison CEO Robert Dudacek writes in the new PYMNTS eBook, “The Implications of Uncertainty.”   Confidently knowing where we’re going helps us navigate the unexpected. In times of uncertainty, we lean...

InsurTech, Not The Pandemic, Drives Insurance Innovation
Insurance // July 16, 2021

Simply put, the pandemic has changed consumers’ relationships with insurance products. Even though the data says people utilized insurance less — since those who don’t leave their homes are far less prone to injury and illness — the pandemic caused those same homebound consumers to...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why More Banks Say Yes to Insurance as a Consumer Product

June 28, 2024
As consumers increasingly look to their financial institutions for insurance products, banks have an opportunity to meet this growing demand. A recent report from PYMNTS Intelligence and Franklin Madison shows that 44% of all consumers would turn to their financial institutions (FIs) for insurance needs, a trend that has been growing over the past few […]

Insurance Sector Moves Digital-First to Support Shifts in Buyer Behavior

May 01, 2024
The insurance industry, often perceived as lagging in innovation and adapting to consumer needs, is undergoing a notable transformation. Traditionally reliant on agents for product sales, the industry is seeing...

Data Models Emerge as Effective Customer Strategy

April 24, 2024
Data modeling can guide businesses refine strategies and optimize outcomes in uncertain times, Franklin Madison CEO Robert Dudacek writes in the new PYMNTS eBook, “The Implications of Uncertainty.”   Confidently...

InsurTech, Not The Pandemic, Drives Insurance Innovation

July 16, 2021
Simply put, the pandemic has changed consumers’ relationships with insurance products. Even though the data says people utilized insurance less — since those who don’t leave their homes are far...