Golance news and trends

As Remote Work Goes Global, Paying Workers Gets Complex
Cross-border Payments // August 02, 2022

As the idea of a permanently remote workforce gains acceptance after two years of COVID-enforced telecommuting, it isn’t exactly surprising that companies that started looking for talent beyond their own offices and cities are now looking beyond their own borders. According to PYMNTS’ “Cross-Border Payroll...

How goLance Is Using Connectivity, Transparency To Build Freelancers’ Trust
Gig Economy // June 11, 2020

Building trust between freelancers and employers is a two-way street — and one that gig marketplaces must engineer. In the latest Gig Economy Tracker, Michael Brooks, CEO and founder of online freelance marketplace goLance, says employers can build trust with things like offering workers multiple...

New Report: Payments, Transparency Build Trust In The Gig Economy
Gig Economy // June 10, 2020

The pandemic affected the freelance market in varying ways, with many workers facing increased economic uncertainty and drawing upon their savings as work opportunities became scarce. The U.S. government has developed programs to help, such as the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, but freelancers are...

Interviews & Exclusives
‘Digital Nomads’ Demand Speedy Cross-Border Payments

December 08, 2022
While COVID expanded remote work, fast global payments made the digital nomad lifestyle possible. At a time when headlines are filled with layoff announcements, including among the once-hot tech companies in Silicon Valley, the appetite for alternative working arrangements has never been stronger. As GoLance CEO Michael Brooks, Papaya Global CEO Eynat Guez and Nium […]

As Remote Work Goes Global, Paying Workers Gets Complex

August 02, 2022
As the idea of a permanently remote workforce gains acceptance after two years of COVID-enforced telecommuting, it isn’t exactly surprising that companies that started looking for talent beyond their own...

New Report: Payments, Transparency Build Trust In The Gig Economy

June 10, 2020
The pandemic affected the freelance market in varying ways, with many workers facing increased economic uncertainty and drawing upon their savings as work opportunities became scarce. The U.S. government has...