Medallion news and trends

NYC Taxi Commission Accused Of $810 Million Fraud

February 21, 2020
NYC, taxis, yellow cabs, medallion, fraud, price inflation
NYC Yellow Cab Industry Gets Uberized
News // March 23, 2015

The streets of New York City are no more buzzing with the iconic yellow taxicabs, but cars managed by the new kid on block – Uber, which zips over 14,000 black and luxury cars through the city’s block grid. In less than four years since...

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NYC Taxi Commission Accused Of $810 Million Fraud

February 21, 2020
New York Attorney General Letitia James announced plans to sue New York City for allegedly fraudulent practices by its Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), according to reports on Thursday (Feb. 20). James accused the agency of running a scheme on taxi drivers that created a “trapdoor of despair” and is asking for $810 million. “Government […]