Multichannel news and trends

Kate Spade Targets Near-Quadruple Revenue Growth
Retail // March 10, 2017

Flexibility and a penchant for experimentation are two key traits retailers will need to succeed in a present and future commerce ecosystem increasingly defined by consumer centricity and digital channels, among other changes. For one, high-fashion accessory and handbag retailer Kate Spade & Company is...

Omnichannel: Buzzword Or What’s Next In Retail
In Depth // October 22, 2014

The problem about talking about “what’s next” in payment and retail is the moment that “next” begins can be a little subjective. Omnichannel is a prime example of the problem—for years now it has been primed and promoted as the next big thing, the way to...

Putting Suppliers In The Buyer Value Chain
B2B Payments // September 15, 2014

More and more food, grocery and consumer-goods retailers are finding success in using online channels to grow sales, and many are turning to their suppliers for help in developing mulitichannel initiatives. Many such merchants, however, still have much work to do to maximize their online...

Interviews & Exclusives
New Report: Helping Retail Treasurers Navigate The Digital D2C Shift

August 24, 2020
Large, well-established companies were once seen as relatively insulated from disruptions wrought by Amazon, Netflix and other Silicon Valley giants. This was a doubtful proposition to begin with, but the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken such assumptions to the core, for companies both large and small. Corporates cannot expect to weather the economic and social changes […]