Ohio news and trends

Data Breaches Impact Unemployment Benefit Applicants In Four States
Security & Fraud // May 22, 2020

Unemployed workers in at least four states who are coping with layoffs from the impact of the coronavirus now have another worry, NBC News reported. Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois and Ohio have warned tens of thousands of residents who have applied online for unemployment benefits due to COVID-19...

Some States Start To Reopen, This Week, With Restrictions
Economy // April 27, 2020

Texas, Ohio and New York are among the states joining Georgia over the next several weeks in reopening parts of their operations during the coronavirus pandemic, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The states are making these moves as the cases of COVID-19 in...

Cannabis Companies Would Be Eligible For COVID-19 Relief Under Bill
Loans // April 24, 2020

Representatives from Colorado and Oregon, states known for liberal cannabis laws, want the cannabis industry to be included in future Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) legislation. Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) introduced legislation this week to ensure that that happens, allowing cannabis companies...

Ohio Treasurer Suspends Bitcoin Business Tax Payment Program
B2B Payments // October 04, 2019

The state of Ohio has decided to end its support for bitcoin tax payments, state Treasurer Robert Sprague announced this week. In a statement published on Sprague’s official website this week, the treasurer said  “OhioCrypto.com,” the website that allows businesses to pay their taxes in...

Quick Reads
Amazon Undertakes $7.8 Billion Expansion of Ohio Data Operations

June 26, 2023
Amazon Web Services (AWS) says it is upping its investment in its Ohio data center operations. The company announced Monday (June 26) that it will spend an estimated $7.8 billion to expand its data centers in the state by 2030. The investment, building on AWS’ nearly 7-year-old effort in the Buckeye State, “will bring hundreds of direct jobs […]

Data Breaches Impact Unemployment Benefit Applicants In Four States

May 22, 2020
Unemployed workers in at least four states who are coping with layoffs from the impact of the coronavirus now have another worry, NBC News reported. Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois and Ohio have warned...

Some States Start To Reopen, This Week, With Restrictions

April 27, 2020
Texas, Ohio and New York are among the states joining Georgia over the next several weeks in reopening parts of their operations during the coronavirus pandemic, according to The Wall...

Cannabis Companies Would Be Eligible For COVID-19 Relief Under Bill

April 24, 2020
Representatives from Colorado and Oregon, states known for liberal cannabis laws, want the cannabis industry to be included in future Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) legislation. Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and...