Osama Bedier news and trends

IP 2014 Expo Participant PayRange Lands Funding, Launches Nationally
Mobile // August 14, 2014

If there ever was a sector screaming for modernization—and especially mobilization—it would be vending machines. The potential to know inventory in advance, to know which of the 10 machines nearby have three of the desired item you and your friends want, to be able to...

Interviews & Exclusives
Retailing And eCommerce, Back To The Future

December 05, 2016
Care to hazard a guess as to where eCommerce and retail may be headed in the year ahead? In our latest Topic TBD installment, Poynt CEO Osama Bedier does just that, predicting that, among other things, the retailer with the best (mobile) consumer experience, on top of price and selection, will win.