Patriot Act news and trends

Chinese Banks Held In Contempt By US
Legal // July 30, 2019

An appeals court in the U.S. has upheld the decision by a lower court to hold three Chinese banks in contempt for not turning over information requested in a subpoena, according to a report by the Financial Times. The banks were asked to provide information...

Did Big Banks Play A Role In A Global Bribery Scheme?
Regulation // April 04, 2016

An international investigation into the allegedly corrupt practices of an oil company appears to have a caught a couple of big banks in its net. The Huffington Post reports that HSBC and Citibank were both essential players in facilitating contracts arranged by Unaoil — the Monaco-based...

Quick Reads
FinCEN: FI Data Sharing Vital In Crime Prevention

December 10, 2020
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco, speaking on Thursday (Dec. 10) about ways to stop financial crime, said one of the key elements is sharing information, according to a press release. Blanco said sharing information could help with “identifying, reporting and preventing financial crime,” which has been rampant during the pandemic. Speaking […]

Chinese Banks Held In Contempt By US

July 30, 2019
An appeals court in the U.S. has upheld the decision by a lower court to hold three Chinese banks in contempt for not turning over information requested in a subpoena,...

Did Big Banks Play A Role In A Global Bribery Scheme?

April 04, 2016
An international investigation into the allegedly corrupt practices of an oil company appears to have a caught a couple of big banks in its net. The Huffington Post reports that...