Purchase To Pay news and trends

Why Corporate Banks’ Should Seize Purchase-To-Pay Data Opportunity
B2B Payments // January 29, 2020

Despite its rising popularity, open banking and data sharing frameworks were not necessarily opportunities toward which banks initially jumped. Their hesitation is understandable, considering many open banking initiatives aim to unlock data once held exclusively by traditional financial institutions (FIs) in favor of sharing that...

How Data Unlocks The Hidden Potential Of Supplier Invoices
B2B Payments // June 21, 2019

Europe has a range of EU and state-wide initiatives to develop electronic invoicing standards in both the private and public sectors, with a few goals in mind. Standardizing the way companies issue electronic invoices further reduces reliance on paper, while, at the same time, more...

AvidXchange Launches Purchase To Pay Following Ariett Takeover
B2B Payments // March 15, 2018

The B2B payments space has been patiently biding its time for its turn in the payments innovation spotlight. Ever since the launch of the iPhone more than a decade ago, the combination of mobile apps and the internet – and its potential to reinvent the...

What Data Can Do For Purchase-To-Pay
Business // May 19, 2017

The more moving parts and variables a business process has, the more participants stand to benefit from visibility, consolidation and data-driven solutions. This is readily apparent in the realm of the purchase-to-pay (P2P) process, wherein multiple departments within two or more organizations collaborate to buy...

Interviews & Exclusives
AvidXchange Launches Purchase To Pay Following Ariett Takeover

March 15, 2018
The B2B payments space has been patiently biding its time for its turn in the payments innovation spotlight. Ever since the launch of the iPhone more than a decade ago, the combination of mobile apps and the internet – and its potential to reinvent the consumer’s relationship with retail payments – has captured the time, […]