Receipt Data news and trends

Data Collaboration: Unlocking Growth and Efficiency in 2024
Opinion // January 12, 2024

PYMNTS asked industry executives across the payments and digital commerce landscape to give us their take on the pivotal shifts, technological advancements and strategies that have shaped business in 2023. Their responses show critical trendlines to watch in the new year. Jehan Luth, founder and...

Two-Thirds of Shoppers Used Card-Linked Offers to Make Holiday Purchases
Loyalty & Rewards // January 10, 2024

The 2023 holiday shopping season provided little reprieve from rising prices, and United States consumers sought ways to manage spending. This made card-linked offers especially attractive to budget-conscious shoppers. In fact, discounts and rewards were key drivers of consumer interest in and use of these...

More Than Half of Co-Branded Card Holders Want Better Offers
Loyalty & Rewards // October 25, 2023

Customer engagement is key to staying ahead of the pack in a highly competitive market, so numerous merchants and brands offer loyalty and rewards programs, many tied to store or co-branded credit cards. Although these offerings are enough to entice consumers to register, they are...

43% of FIs and FinTechs Say Using Receipt Data Improves Customer Experience
Commerce // October 24, 2023

As businesses continue to seek ways to improve customer experiences and drive operational efficiency, one strategy that is gaining traction is the use of item-level receipt data, which provides detailed information about individual purchases.  In “Meeting the Need for Item-Level Receipt Data: Why Data Infrastructure...

Interviews & Exclusives
73% of Card Users Say They Prefer Cards with Linked Offers — But Just 41% Used Them

September 15, 2023
Most consumers shop with brands and merchants where they are members of a loyalty or rewards program. Moreover, 4 in 10 consumers prefer cards with personalized rewards as these programs provide economic incentives to increase customer loyalty. One-third say they would switch to shopping with merchants that offer card-linked offers. However, merchants and card issuers […]

Data-Ready Banks May Have Competitive Edge in Digital Innovations

April 06, 2023
Financial institutions (FIs) with technical infrastructure already in place could be better positioned to win over customers. Data readiness is nearly imperative these days for banks, credit unions and other...

More Than One-Third of Banks Say Item-Level Receipt Data Cements Customer Loyalty

April 06, 2023
Financial institutions (FIs) have had many reasons to consider the benefits of investing in receipt data solutions. These range from fighting friendly fraud to helping their merchant partners personalize their loyalty programs, potentially increasing...

Dynamic Yield Uses Mastercard Data to Power Personalized Experiences for Merchants and Issuers  

March 15, 2023
Digital commerce has long relied on personalization, so everyone from Amazon to Zillow knows what to show you from a universe of possible choices. That’s all moving up a notch...