Small Business Card news and trends

Union Bank Moves On Small Biz Cards
B2B Payments // May 17, 2016

Elan Financial Services is introducing an initiative to bring small businesses a credit card solution, and on Monday (May 16), the firm announced a partnership with Union Bank to make it happen. According to reports, Elan will facilitate the development of credit card programs to...

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Amex Exit, Corporate Card Rules Tripping Up Curve’s All-In-One Paycard

May 26, 2016
Curve is gearing up for its anticipated solution for micro-businesses and entrepreneurs: an all-in-one payment solution that combines multiple cards in one. Earlier this week, the company announced a partnership with Wirecard, which will provide the underlying technology on which Curve’s solution functions. But soon after the announcement, Curve revealed a setback: American Express cards will […]