Sp news and trends

Coronavirus Decimates US Stock Market $1.7T In 48 Hours
Investments // February 26, 2020

The U.S. stock market is spiraling downward, with the S&P 500 losing $1.737 trillion during a massive sell-off prompted by mounting fears over the coronavirus, according to multiple reports on Wednesday (Feb. 26). The Dow Jones industrial average sank 879 points on Tuesday (Feb. 25) as...

China’s Lenders Cut Prime Rate To Boost Sick Economy
International // February 20, 2020

Chinese lenders have cut their prime lending rate to try and prop up their country’s economy, which has been ravaged by the coronavirus, according to the Financial Times on Thursday (Feb. 20). S&P had previously warned China that it would face a surge of bad loans numbering...

Macy’s Dropped To Junk-Bond Status
Retail // February 19, 2020

Macy’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk by S&P Global Ratings, just weeks after the former department store juggernaut released a cost-cutting measure to trim billions, the Financial Times reported Tuesday (Feb. 18). The move came after Macy’s announced a $1.5 billion cost-cutting plan...

Facebook Kicked Out Of S&P Ethics Index
Security & Fraud // June 13, 2019

Facebook has been removed from a list of companies that are indexed by S&P Dow Jones Indices as socially responsible, according to a report by CNBC. The decision for the ousting, which was made on Thursday (June 13), stems from Facebook’s continued privacy issues. The...

Quick Reads
Indian Banks Might See More Loan Growth as Economy Recovers, Report Says

January 24, 2022
Indian banks could see more lending and greater net interest margins this year as the country’s economy recovers, a report from S&P Global says. Bank credit has boosted to 9.2% year-over-year as of December 2021, the report says, citing Reserve Bank of India data. Comparably, there was 5.2% growth in March 2021. The report says […]

Coronavirus Decimates US Stock Market $1.7T In 48 Hours

February 26, 2020
The U.S. stock market is spiraling downward, with the S&P 500 losing $1.737 trillion during a massive sell-off prompted by mounting fears over the coronavirus, according to multiple reports on Wednesday...

China’s Lenders Cut Prime Rate To Boost Sick Economy

February 20, 2020
Chinese lenders have cut their prime lending rate to try and prop up their country’s economy, which has been ravaged by the coronavirus, according to the Financial Times on Thursday (Feb. 20)....

Macy’s Dropped To Junk-Bond Status

February 19, 2020
Macy’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk by S&P Global Ratings, just weeks after the former department store juggernaut released a cost-cutting measure to trim billions, the Financial Times...